Vue de la Rance Chambre d'hôtes & Gites


Most people travel to us by car, but it is also possible to arrive using public transport.

Driving directions by car

If you have a GPS device, use the following settings:

GPS Co-ordinates

Town – Saint Samson sur Rance (22)
House number – 5
Road – Grippais (rue des)

Click here for detailed driving directions from St Malo, Caen, Rennes, St Brieuc

Getting to Vue de la Rance by Public Transport

Public transport to La Hisse is very limited, but with careful planning you can enjoy a car free holiday.

By train

La Hisse SNCF halt is located about 400 metres from Vue de la Rance.  When you leave the station, cross the road by the traffic lights and continue up the hill, passing the Auberge du val de Rance on your right, then continue past “Le Shetland” restaurant. We are a few metres further on your left.  There are only three trains a day in each direction and fewer on Sundays.  You can check the SNCF timetable by clicking here.

By bus

Ti Bus route number 11 links La Hisse with Dinan and Dinard.  As with the train, the service is not very frequent but may be useful with careful planning.  Click here to check the timetable.